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Sunnyside Primary Academy

Sports Premium Funding

Sports Premium funding is being provided by the government to improve physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This year, schools receive a base amount of £16, 000 + £10.00 for each pupil in Years 1-6. 

How will Sunnyside use the funding?
For full details of our 2023-2024 aims, spending and intended impact, please see our current Sports Premium Plan, which is attached below.  This includes an evaluation of the impact of the Sports Premium Funding from 2023-24 and also next steps to try to implement. This year we have had a total funding allocation of £25,839.

The funding from 2023-2024 was used to increase participation by a wider range of groups of children, to engage all children in regular physical activity, and to give broader experiences of a range of sports and activities to children.