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Meet our Staff




Interim Executive Principal


Ms Sarah Lloyd



Deputy Principal 


Miss Emma Nolan

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)



Ms Trish McMahon Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)  

Senior Leadership Team





Mrs MacMillan

(Currently on maternity leave)

Phase Leader – Year 3/4


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)




Early Years Foundation Team


Mrs Simpson

Mrs Dowling

Mrs Pearce 

Sun and Moon Class


Miss Banister

Miss Shatford


Key Stage One Team


Miss Yasmin

Venus Class


Miss Cutts



Mrs Gordon

Mars Class

Miss Franks Learning Support Assistant  
Miss Pietrzak Learning Support Assistant and 
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Mrs Shatford Learning Support Assistant  

Key Stage Two Team


Miss Keen

Jupiter Class


Mrs Brooks

Saturn Class


Mrs Tearle

Neptune Class  

Mrs MacMillan (Currently on maternity leave)

Uranus Class

Mr Oliver -Mon, Tues and Fri 

Ms McMahon/Miss Nolan - Wed and Thurs

Miss Greenwood

Buzz Aldrin Class


Mr Farthing

Neil Armstrong Class  

Mrs Batchelor 

Tim Peake Class


Mrs Bodsworth

Helen Sharman Class

Mrs Robbins Learning Support Assistant  
Mrs Atkins Learning Support Assistant  
Mrs Beavers Learning Support Assistant  
Miss Smith Ellis Learning Support Assistant  

Additional Support and Teaching Staff


Miss R Betts

Miss E White


Miss V Musk



Family Support Worker


Current Vacancy



Administration Team


Mrs Claire Bates

Senior Administrator and 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Miss Sam Pyke

Administrator and 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)